From April 8th to 10th, 2019, 12 Algerian universities, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Implementation Commission for a Quality Assurance system in the HEIs in Algeria and 4 European universities gathered in Rome at UNINT – International University of Rome, to launch the new project “ESAGOV, l’Enseignement Supérieur Algérien à l’heure de la Gouvernance Universitaire”.
This project, coordinated by UNIMED, the Mediterranean Universities Union, is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + program, KA2 – Capacity Building in Higher Education.
The meeting was an opportunity for the partners to gain an overview of the project and share their expectations, and to organize several sessions covering the different activities and expected results from ESAGOV project, from the state of the art to the reinforcement of university staff skills to the organization of training of trainers at local level between Algerian universities.
ESAGOV aims to improve the approach to quality governance in Algerian universities, by enhancing the skills of academic and administrative staff, improving the evaluation system and the approach to quality within institutions, in particular by combining quality assurance and pedagogical training. The project also aims to support Algerian universities in defining their institutional projects.
The agenda for the kick-off meeting (KoM) is available here, and the list of participants here.