Around 60 people took part in the three regional workshops organized today as part of WP3 Capacity Building.
The aim of these workshops was to discuss certain sub-themes highlighted by the online course logs, and considered by university representatives to be relevant to the Algerian university system.
The workshops were organized in a mixed face-to-face and virtual format, as follows:
- West/South Conference: Sidi Bel Abbes, USTO, El Oued, Ouargla and Ministry of Higher Education, workshop attended by theUniversity of Sidi Bel Abbes
- Conference Center: Algiers 1, Algiers 2, EPAU, Tizi Ouzou and Ministry of Higher Education: workshop attended by Algiers 2 University
- Eastern Conference: Sétif 1, Sétif 2, Skikda, Bejaia: workshop attended by theUniversity of Sétif 2.
Each group of universities discussed 3 modules. For each issue addressed, discussions provided an opportunity to review the current Algerian context, motivate the interest expressed in each issue, and formulate practical proposals for possible integration into Algerian universities. The richness and intensity of the debates testify to the importance of the issues linked to the school project and the quality approach, which are also at the heart of the reform of the General Orientation Law for Higher Education currently underway in Algeria.
A general feedback workshop will be organized in the near future to pool all the proposals made during the regional workshops and discuss the next steps.