On September 15, 2019, the partners in the ESAGOV project met in Algiers for a workshop dedicated to the state of play of the quality approach and establishment projects in Algerian universities. The workshop, organized in collaboration with EPAU, was opened by Ms Baba-Ahmed Kassab, Director of EPAU, Ms Carolina Santrich-Badal, Cooperation Officer at the European Union Delegation in Algeria, Ms Ouiza Cherifi, Inspector General, who reiterated the support of the Ministry of Higher Education for this project, and Ms Malika Kebri, Coordinator of the Erasmus + National Office.
During the workshop, colleagues fromthe University of Rouen presented the preliminary version of the report on this project carried out withthe University of Skikda. The report is the fruit of an analysis of documentation and a surveys sent to the Algerian and European universities involved in the project.
The workshop was an opportunity for the partners to examine in greater depth, together and in groups, some of the difficulties identified in the implementation of these approaches, such as: resistance to change, the variability of the university community’s commitment to the quality approach and to that of the establishment’s project, the issue of regulatory changes and organizational difficulties. The debates showed that, while considerable work has already been done in this area at ministerial and university level, a number of measures still need to be taken to ensure that these approaches are appropriated and used effectively in the service of better governance. The discussions also showed that European universities share similar issues with their Algerian counterparts.
These dialogues led to a list of recommendations for improving these approaches, which will be included in the final report on the state of play.
During the meeting, the partners of the University of Ouargla presented the working methodology for defining action plans for school projects, developed in cooperation with the University of Pavia and which constitutes the next stage of the ESAGOV project.