Following the 3 regional workshops organized at the level of the 3 regional conferences – Centre, East, and West/South – (see article here), ESAGOV’s partners organized a national restitution workshop during which each representative of the 3 groups of universities presented the results of their work and their recommendations around the 9 themes addressed.
The workshop agenda is available here.
Organizational conditions for starting up and managing an effective system of governance through the quality approach
- Information system
- A participatory approach
- Budgeting
Evaluation models in the various strategic areas to be governed, to be implemented in universities with examples of evaluation processes
- Self-evaluation
- Teacher evaluation
- Student questionnaires with accompanying awareness-raising activities (progressive approach)
Indicators and parameters for monitoring and evaluating activities and services related to each strategic area
- Implementation of RNAQES indicators and indicators specific to each university
- The process of defining and building indicators for education
- Staffing/resource allocation ratio and indicators
Establishment project
- Involvement of the university community and association of external stakeholders in the drafting of the establishment project
- Annual review methodology
- Multi-year contract
Stakeholder consultation and participation systems
- Involvement of external stakeholders – the socio-economic world, in particular for the definition of training courses.
- Targeted, gradual institutionalization of consultations.
Classification of procedures and identification of staff for accreditation and assessment processes
- Training staff and raising awareness among the university community
- Self-evaluation process mapping
- Evaluation frequency
- Accreditation bodies
Channels and instruments for quality communication/reporting, inside and outside the university
- Internal and external communication channels (including dedicated page on site)
- Communication plan to support QA management at the university
- Service charter and quality standards
Module 8. Inputs, logic and methods for installing and powering performance measurement and evaluation systems with integrated logic.
- Performance measurement and evaluation system (as a progressive process): organizational, institutional and individual?
- Collaboration between universities
Module 9. Internationalization of the university
- Definition of internationalization strategy (indicators/monitoring)
- Diversification of internationalization activities (internationalization of training courses, virtual mobility, mobility for all categories, etc.).
- Définition de la stratégie d’internationalisation (indicateurs/suivi)
- Diversification des activités d’internationalisation (internationalisation des formations, mobilité virtuelle, mobilité pour toutes les catégories etc.)