ESAGOV still in action!
ESAGOV officially closed on January 14, 2023, but the partnership continues to meet and carry out activities as set out in the sustainability plan. 3 webinars have been organized: – on February 22, with colleagues from Ca’Foscari University on the topic of University and Sustainable Development. – on May 24, with colleagues from the University […]

The (official) closure of the ESAGOV adventure!
The final conference of our project took place on January 10th and 11th 2023. This final meeting was organized around 3 key events: On the 10th morning, the partners held their final meeting, at which they presented all the results obtained, the administrative and financial status of the project, as well as the external evaluator’s […]

ESAGOV in study visits!
From November 8th to 18th, 2022, ESAGOV’s Algerian partners made their study visit to European partners. The first study visit took place at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, from November the 8th to the 11th and saw the participation of colleagues from the University of Pavia. The second visit took place at the University of […]

ESAGOV disseminates within the Algerian regional university conferences !
Au mois d’octobre 2022, le projet ESAGOV organise 3 moments importants de dissémination, au niveau des conférences régionales universitaires. Ces rencontres sont organisées grâce à l’implication de tous les partenaires algériens.

The milestones in the ESAGOV story!
Nous sommes heureux de partager avec vous cette vidéo retraçant les grandes étapes de la vie d’ESAGOV, depuis son lancement en 2019 et jusqu’à ce jour ! Cette vidéo a été réalisée par les collègues de l’université de Béjaïa (un grand tannemirt !) et a été présentée en ouverture de l’atelier sur le pilotage de la révision du projet d’établissement, à Béjaïa, le 7 juin 2022 !

The home stretch for the revision of the establishment project!
Après deux ans de rencontres virtuelles et de travail à distance, les partenaires d’ESAGOV se sont enfin retrouvés, du 7 au 9 juin, à l’université de Béjaia. Cette rencontre s’est articulée autour de 2 temps forts : l’atelier sur le pilotage de la révision du projet d’établissement et la 8 ème réunion des partenaires. […]

Algerian partners organize local workshops!
Following the transversal webinars organized in January and February 2022, ESAGOV’s Algerian partner establishments are now organizing their local workshops ! This is the final stage of the chain of training. After attending the training courses run by the European partners as part of WP3, the local ESAGOV teams ran workshops in their establishments to […]

250 Algerian colleagues take part in cross-disciplinary webinars !
As part of WP4 Local Training, 4 transversal webinars were organized for managers, academic and administrative staff from the 12 partner higher education institutions. These webinars were an introduction to the work of WP4, which will be followed by the development of an online course on the Moodle platform and then by workshops organized across […]

1 more year for the ESAGOV project !
In order to implement the latest activities under the best possible conditions, the ESAGOV partnership has obtained a one-year extension to the project from the European Commission. The project’s closing date has been postponed to January 14th, 2023. It’s up to all of us to ensure that this final year is as beautiful and fruitful […]

6th Partner Meeting
On October 20th and 21st, ESAG0V partners met once again online to take stock of the project at M34. The meeting provided an opportunity to follow up on the implementation of the action plan (WP2), to review the activities of WP3 Training the Trainers and to discuss the methodology of WP4 Training at local level. […]

National feedback workshop
Following the 3 regional workshops organized at the level of the 3 regional conferences – Centre, East, and West/South – (see article here), ESAGOV’s partners organized a national restitution workshop during which each representative of the 3 groups of universities presented the results of their work and their recommendations around the 9 themes addressed. The […]

ESAGOV has organized its first regional workshops !
Around 60 people took part in the three regional workshops organized today as part of WP3 Capacity Building. The aim of these workshops was to discuss certain sub-themes highlighted by the online course logs, and considered by university representatives to be relevant to the Algerian university system. The workshops were organized in a mixed face-to-face […]

Quality management and facility projects: fundamentals and comparative approaches – The ESAGOV e-learning course
Following the preparatory online training webinars held in autumn 2020, a new stage in Work Package 3 of the ESAGOV project has just been concluded. Since April 8th, the online course “Démarche qualité et projet d’établissement: éléments fondamentaux et approches comparées” has been available to Algerian universities on UNIMED’s MOODLE platform. The course is structured […]

4th mid-term meeting
On May 31st, ESAGOV partners met for a restricted mid-term meeting. After discussing the results of the interim evaluation received from the EACEA, which assessed the project’s implementation as GOOD, the partners focused on the completion of work package 3, dedicated to skills development. As the pandemic called into question the progress of this work […]

3rd mid-term meeting
On December 10th and 14th, the partners gathered for their 3rd mid-term meeting. The meeting was an opportunity for the Ministry to present the main elements of the reform underway in Algeria in terms of the establishment project and the quality approach. The partners also took stock of all active work packages and set the […]

5 online training webinars for ESAGOV partner universities
Due to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the ESAGOV project partners have had to adapt the training activities planned as part of Work Package 3, and in particular those of the training course that was to have taken place in Venice in September 2020 . A preparatory online training course was therefore organized […]

ESAGOV presented at Info Erasmus Day !
On the occasion of Erasmus Day, which took place on October 15th, 16th and 17th, the ESAGOV project was presented at meetings organized by two partners: the University of Ouargla and the University of Béjaia. These meetings were an opportunity for the teams to present the project, the main results obtained to date, and the […]

Algerian universities, together with the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and their European peers, meet online to define their establishment project
On June 21 and 22, 2020, UNIMED in collaboration with the University of Ouargla and the University of Pavia, organized a Virtual Consultative Workshop aimed at Algerian universities to define a shared action plan, leading to better university governance. The event was attended by some 50 people from ESAGOV’s partner institutions, including representatives of the […]

A new Quality approach and a Strategic Plan adapted to new challenges: some results of the thematic webinars of the ESAGOV project
On May 21st and June 3rd, 2020, UNIMED organized two thematic webinars – aimed at Algerian universities – focusing respectively on the University quality assurance process and on the methodology for defining an “Institutional Project”. Around 70 people from partner institutions, representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, rectors, vice-rectors, quality assurance […]

ESAGOV: 1st webinar on disseminating initiatives
UNIMED is pleased to share the results of the 1st dissemination webinar held on May 6, 2020. On this auspicious occasion, the University of Béjaïa and EPAU – Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme – shared with all partners their experience in organizing study days dedicated to quality assurance and the school project. The aim of […]

ESAGOV project: state of the art and current activities
The ESAGOV project aims to improve and reinforce the quality approach in Algerian universities, starting with the construction of their institutional projects. The project aims to act at these different levels, while building on the achievements of Algerian universities. As part of the project, a report on the current state of Algerian universities in terms […]

Call for applications for the selection of an external evaluator
The ESAGOV project is underway, and the call for an external evaluator has been launched. Quality control is an integral part of the project to ensure that objectives and activities are effectively achieved. This follow-up measure guarantees the quality of the results, methods and procedures used in managing the project cycle and in producing results. […]

Algerian and European universities join forces in Rouen for the transition process in Algerian Higher Education
On January 14th and 15th, 2020, representatives of the Algerian and European universities involved in the ESAGOV project will meet at the University of Rouen Normandie in France to work together on the process of transition to governance in the Algerian university system. Among the key issues to be addressed, the universities will discuss updating […]

Quality and establishment projects
On September 15, 2019, the partners in the ESAGOV project met in Algiers for a workshop dedicated to the state of play of the quality approach and establishment projects in Algerian universities. The workshop, organized in collaboration with EPAU, was opened by Ms Baba-Ahmed Kassab, Director of EPAU, Ms Carolina Santrich-Badal, Cooperation Officer at the […]

UNIMED meets Algerian universities in Rome to improve governance and quality assurance
From April 8th to 10th, 2019, 12 Algerian universities, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Implementation Commission for a Quality Assurance system in the HEIs in Algeria and 4 European universities gathered in Rome at UNINT – International University of Rome, to launch the new project “ESAGOV, l’Enseignement Supérieur Algérien à l’heure […]